July 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN-Jill J. Johnson, president and founder of Johnson Consulting Services has been named as a Fellow of the Minnesota Health Strategy & Communications Network (MHSCN). MHSCN is the state’s premier organization for healthcare professionals responsible for strategic planning, marketing, public relations and communications in a wide array of healthcare organizations.
The Fellow designation is the organization’s highest leadership career recognition award and provides recognition for members who make significant and sustained contributions to the profession. Fellow designation is only granted to members who meet stringent professional, educational and volunteer standards. Only five members of the organization have ever attained this professional honor.
“The review process for the Fellow recognition is rigorous, and I am honored to receive this designation,” said Johnson. “I think it is important to continually strive for challenging professional goals when you are a consultant. Remaining current and relevant is always augmented by peer relationships with high caliber professionals such as those who belong to MHSCN. Being recognized by my professional colleagues is extremely rewarding.”
About Jill J. Johnson: An award winning management consultant specializing in market-based strategy development since 1982, Johnson assists her clients in the development of business plans, marketing plans and strategies for growth. Her clients are located throughout the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia. She has worked with hundreds of clients over the last two decades and her consulting work has impacted over $1 billion dollars worth of business decisions. For more info please visit: www.jcs-usa.com.
About the Minnesota Health Strategy & Communications Network (MHSCN): MHSCN operates with the support of the Minnesota Hospital Association and is affiliated with the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development, a professional member group of the American Hospital Association. For more info please visit: www.mhscn.com.